Svensk Glasåtervinning chooses visitor management system with evacuation from PartnerSec

Svensk Glasåtervinning lastbil som lossar glas

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Svensk Glasåtervinning chooses visitor management system with evacuation from PartnerSec

Svensk Glasåtervinning is the best in the world when it comes to recycling glass. Every weekday they receive about 30-35 trucks with a total of 900 tons of glass at their facility in Hammar. At the facility in Hammar, the visitor management system CavVisit will be used to register and manage visitors.

Svensk Glasåtervinning recycling facility is one of a kind, and that is why it is interesting for many people to visit. They receive many visitors every year that has to register themselves and follow clear safety routines. 

Visitor management system with an evacuation system

Besökssystemets inbyggda utrymningssystem kommer att hjälpa till med utrymning av besökare vid en eventuell incident. Vid en utrymning kommer alla besökare och besöksmottagare få individuella instruktioner och länkar via SMS, utöver ordinäre säkerhetsrutiner. Med hjälp av länkarna kommer alla besökare och besöksmottagare kunna ta sig till uppsamlingsplatser och meddela varandra att de är säkra samt automatiskt räknas in. Utrymningssystemet i besökssystemet ger en perfekt överblick över alla besökare och besöksmottagare samt att de befinner sig i säkerhet.
The visitor management system’s built-in evacuation system will help with the evacuation of visitors in the event of an incident. In the event of an evacuation, all visitors and visitor receivers will get individual instructions and links via SMS, in addition to safety routines. With the help of links, every visitor and visitor receiver will be able to get to the collection point and inform one another that they are safe, they are also automatically counted. The evacuation in the visitor management system gives a perfect overview of all visitors and visitor receivers, as well as that they are safe.

More about the automated evacuation system here: Evacuation system

Daniel Askerud, Production Manager, Svensk Glasåtervinning; “Svensk Glasåtervinning will be world-leading in the recycling of glass. We don’t just want to recycle glass, but also spread knowledge about how important recycling is and share our experiences and knowledge with the new generation and with those who are interested. Therefore, it is important that we take care of our visitors professionally and safely, and PartnerSec could help us with that. The cooperation between our project organizations has exceeded all expectations, and we are looking forward to a long partnership in visitor management.”

Kiki Bellmark, Sales Manager – PartnerSec; “We are proud that Svensk Glasåtervinning, a world leader in their field, chose the visitor management system CavVisit. Svensk Glasåtervinning was very clear that a smooth and smart management of visitors was of utmost importance, as the security in the operations is taken very seriously. Collaborating with their project team has been a textbook example of how the introduction of automatic visitor management should go, and we look forward to a long and rewarding collaboration.”

Automated visitor management

More about the automated visitor management system CavVisit here: Visitor management system

For further information, contact: Kiki Bellmark, Sales Manager, +46739598825, e-mail:

More about Svensk Glasåtervinning: 

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