Halmstad municipality chooses CavVisit as a cloud-based visitor system for the entire municipality

“PartnerSec was able to demonstrate the best cloud-based system solution based on our requirements as well as the best price and thus won the procurement.”

Cecilia Bladh, Development Manager, Halmstad municipality

Cloud-based visitor system for the entire municipality. QR codes, and unique settings per administration.

Halmstad municipality

Halmstad municipality will use the cloud-based visitor system CavVisit, which is part of the PartnerSec APV platform (Access, Payment, Visitor).

In the system, citizens and other visitors will be handled in a joint visitor system.

The municipality of Halmstad has a so-called municipal license from CavVisit, which means that they can use the system freely for all of the municipality’s administrations. Each administration will have its unique settings, messaging and integrations.

For PartnerSec, the deal with Halmstad municipality means that our investments in state-of-the-art cloud technology pay off and that our customers see great value in secure, cloud-based solutions. We are proud to have the Halmstad municipality’s trust to deliver this solution and look forward to a long-term collaboration.

Cecilia Bladh, Development Manager, Halmstad municipality

“In this procurement, we have had a project group with representatives from the majority of the municipality’s administrations & companies. Together, we developed a visitor management process for the entire municipality, which we then used as a basis when we set our requirements. This resulted in a unique compilation with requirements that should cover many needs. PartnerSec was able to demonstrate the best cloud-based system solution based on our requirements as well as the best price and thus won the procurement.”

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